Friday, September 4, 2015

Motivational Poster

In the Gifted and Talented [GT] at my school we are making Motivational posters and here are some of the requirements. We need to have two text layers, one with our Personal Quotes and on with our Manifesto.We also need to put 3 symbolic images and 1 portrait. That's just the layer requirements, we also have design requirements  Our design requirements are kerning,a triadic color scheme, we need visual balance, a blending option for our text layers, and adjustment layers for our images.

This paragraph is going to have the steps of me making my Motivational poster. The first step in  making my Motivational poster was writing the text that would be in my poster. The next step was copy and pasting my personal quotes and manifesto in a Photoshop document.Next I put my personal symbols into a folder in finder. Lastly I dragged the photos into Photoshop and arranged them to achieve visual balance.

The biggest challenge in making my Motivational poster was kerning.It was very frustrating,hard,and time consuming. I can improve on kerning by planning on what to do.I could also think if I have time to do it. I also learned at the very end that you could just make things very big and put it in pillar like structures. I am pretty sure that we will be doing a lot of kerning and now I know a easy way to do it.Below are pictures of my text layers,photo arrangement, and both put together.

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