In Gt we are also learning how to make spherical and polar panos. Polar and spherical panoramas are like multiple pictures taken on the same horizon line combined into one straight photo. Later these pictures are shaped into circles. Polar ad spherical sound like kind of the same thing and they are except for a few things. Polar panoramas have the sky on the outside and the land on the inside which makes it look like a tiny world. Spherical panoramas however look have the land on the outside and the sky on the inside which makes it look sort of like a snow globe.
As you can see on my blog there are pictures of tiny worlds. These are my spherical and polar panoramas. My spherical panorama is on the right and it is convincing because all the grass kind of look like its the same type of grass and the bushes also match. My polar panorama is convincing because I kind of matched the colors of the sky. My spherical panoramas is convincing because it is kind of the same on both sides. Also, in my portraits I think I did a good job in the placement of myself to make it feel like I was actually standing there. However, I think maybe I could have done a better job on the tiny world I am in and the sky is on the inside and the ground is on the outside. The shadow seems to be in the sky which I hadn't realized until after I had turned it in.